Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Fruits that should be Avoided when Taking Medication

Fruits that should be avoided when taking medication | The chemical drugs made of effective compounds allowing it to react with other compounds. Many people already know that some foods should be completely avoided to prevent the recurrence of a particular disease. However, many people do not realize that the food in the environment around us it can also be dangerous if we consume them simultaneously with certain medications.

Here are some types of fruits that need your attention.

Cranberry juice, either fresh fruit or juice that comes from the packaging was found to interact with a medicine that contains warfarin, which serves as a blood thinner. Cranberry fruit has a high content of salicylic acid, such as those contained in aspirin, and has a function to thin the blood. Body with blood thinners too much can cause a deadly bleeding.

Grapefruit shaped like an orange, but has a larger size. Grapefruit grain is larger than orange, and also colored orange to dark purple. Grapefruit can be found in some particular supermarket. Apparently grapefruit can interfere with the performance of some types of drugs, such as drugs for high blood pressure and statins, as well as some drugs antihistamine therapy.

Citrus family
Some types of citrus family, including grapefruit, it can cause disruption of the action of enzymes that function to ingest drugs in the gastrointestinal tract of the body. The content of naringin, naringenin and bergapten in citrus fruits could inhibit production of an enzyme in the stomach that functions to destroy drug packaging absorb it and passing it to the intended target.

Orange and Apple Juice
Orange and apple juice beverage could actually have a negative effect when taken with some kind of tablets such as etoposide, an anticancer drug, beta blockers atenolol, celiprolol and talinolol, and some types of antibiotics such as ciprofloxacin, levo-floxacin and itraconazole.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Why Frequent Urination?

Why frequent urination? | Frequency of urination of some people can be different. Some people urinate two or three times a day, while others may be up to ten times a day. There are also days when urinating more often than usual, due to various reasons. 

Urination is one way your body to dispose of the waste. Waste is generated from the metabolic processes that are transported in the bloodstream before being filtered by the kidneys and expelled through urine. Pee is necessary for good health. If you cannot pee, you get sick because of the waste will be poison in your body. However, too much piss is also not good because it can indicate a disorder or disturbance. 

Polyuria is a medical term for excessive urine output (frequent urination). Polyuria is not same as incontinence, a condition where the control of bladder function impaired. However, urinary incontinence can be the cause of polyuria and both can be present simultaneously. Polyuria can also be accompanied with redness or bloody urine, called hematuria. 

Women more frequently urination  

You may notice that the queues in the ladies toilets are usually longer than in the men. Yes, women are more frequently urination than men. It is caused by several reasons: 
  •  The capacity for the bladder. Woman bladder smaller than men, so the women bladder is fast to be full.
  • Menstruation. A hormone in a woman’s body is constantly changing throughout the month. Right before the menstruation, a woman usually holds a liquid. Sometime after menstruation begins extra fluids that leave the body. This causes the woman to urinate more and often. 
  • Pregnancy. In early pregnancy, the pressure of the uterus (womb) to the bladder makes women need to urinate more often. The kidney also works faster during pregnancy and causes more urine production. The action of certain hormones during pregnancy makes the bladder wall tender than usual, which also increases the urge to urinate.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Breast Milk Contains Anti Cancer Substance

Breast milk contains anti cancer substance | Breast milk is miraculous compound that required for all newborns. Some scientists believe, Breast milk can provide protection to infants against various threats of serious diseases such as cancer. But, how Breast milk protects your baby from many forms of cancer remains a mystery. Now, a new study published the Journal of Human Lactation find some form of protein in the breast milk turns out to have the nature of anticancer substance, called TNF-apoptosis inducing ligand (TRAIL).

In the study, the researchers took a sample of colostrum and mature breast milk from new mothers. In addition, the researchers also took blood samples from healthy women, and infant formula. Then the researchers tested the levels of TRAIL in colostrum, mature breast milk, blood and milk formula. The researchers found that colostrum and breast milk each containing 400 and 100 times the rank of TRAIL, higher than blood. While the content of TRAIL had no detectable in infant formula.

"Breastfeeding has an important role in preventing certain types of cancer in children such as lymphoblastic leukemia, Hodgkin lymphoma, and neuroblastoma. However, endogenous TRAIL solution is a strong candidate to explain the overall biological effect of breastfeeding in the fight cancer" the researchers said.

The mothers were selected to participate in this study had already qualified because they do not show signs of eclampsia, infection, or fever. "This is the first finding that measures the levels of TRAIL in colostrum and breast milk. This research has revealed much higher concentrations of TRAIL in the colostrum and breast milk compared with serum levels of TRAIL" ends the researcher.

Breast milk can develop baby 

Are there nutrients that can stimulate the baby's brain? The answer is yes, there is, namely: breast milk. Latest research finding that babies that are breastfed for the first six months have better academic skills than those who did not give breast milk.

The research was conducted in Australia to 1038 babies who received breast milk from their mother. At ten years of age, babies who are breastfed are superior in mathematics, reading, writing and spelling. However, the results can only be seen protruding from the boys who were breastfed.

Lead author Wendy H.Oddy, a nutritionist from the University of Western Australia said the difference in the level of intelligence in boys and girls is not clear yet. "Alleged while this is happening because the boys are more susceptible to stress, while female hormones have a protective effect" he said.